“Lethe – Episode One” is Released!

KoukouStudios and Faber Interactive are proud to announce that after four years of development, our debut title, “ Lethe – Episode One ” has now been released! The Game is currently available on Steam and through the Humble Widget for Windows PC . There is currently a 10% discount during first week to celebrate its release! Keep in mind that by choosing the latter you have additional options of directly supporting our studio and through that the development of future episodes and games . We plan to expand the amount of stores in the near future to improve availability. An OS X version is planned for later this year . “Lethe – Episode One” was built with the Unreal Development Kit and although we’d love to see a Linux version too, without access to the engine’s source code it is technically impossible right now. Although that could maybe change depending on how well the game will be received. Press & YouTubers are welcome to contact us at contact@koukous...