LETHE: Frequently Asked Questions
We have collected the most commonly asked questions about Lethe: Episode One and compiled them into this FAQ. If you would like to know more, don’t hesitate to contact us at contact@koukoustudios.com . What about <insert language here> localization? As mentioned before, we would very much like to support multi-language localization for Lethe: Episode one; However, as a small company we’re relying solely on our product’s sales and this kind of (big) overhaul is currently simply out of reach. Because we know there is a demand, we would like to extend an invitation to localization groups who have already made a localization for Episode One or worked on quality translations before, to contact us and provide us with their material, so that at a later point in time we might be able to make this a reality. What about motion sickness? Previously there have been requests for a way to limit the amount of camera sway, in case of motion sickness or nausea; Because of these request