Lethe Ep1: Top 10 User Screenshots
A video game is nothing without its community these days. Every time we visit Lethe’s community section on Steam we are reminded of that and we’d like to thank you for your contributions! While videos and "Let’s Plays" are the first things to catch the eye, we decided to make a post about the hidden gems of our community: Screenshots! There’s a great number of high quality user screenshots available on steam and as you understand, making them all fit in a single post is nearly impossible. By ignoring their current community rating, we decided to create a top ten of what we believe to be the best user screenshots to date. The main two judgement rules were the color palette and how well each shot connects with Lethe’s theme, mood and philosophy. We also picked only one screenshot per creator and one per in-game focal point and/or character. Don’t forget to share your own screenshots and videos! Enjoy! Created by Skyline : Created by Fobeus