
Showing posts from 2017

Lethe’s 1st Anniversary and Lethe 2

Today we at Faber Interactive and KoukouStudios are very happy to celebrate the first year since the release of Lethe: Episode One and a   50% anniversary sale will be running on Steam as part of the week-long deals. If you didn’t have a chance to play the game yet, it’s a great time to try it out now. There have been several updates since day one, including Steam Achievements support and several optimizations and improvements. And some exciting news: The announcement of Lethe 2: Origins . In game screenshot of Lethe 2: Origins Lethe 2: Origins Lethe 2: Origins is our new title currently in development. The game takes place in a remote village on the same island as Lethe: Episode One but 30 years earlier. If there’s one thing that we think we nailed in the first game , it is the atmosphere and that’s something we are passing over to Lethe 2 . There’s a great difference between the two games though. Unlike its predecessor, in Lethe 2: Origins, storytelling is ...

Hotfix 1.2.13 for Lethe Ep1 now available

We've recently noticed some problems with playing offline and having spent some time figuring out the problem last week, we're now releasing this hotfix to solve the issue. Just a reminder for those who participated in the Public Beta and have been subscribed to its branch, to not forget to opt-out of the Beta branch. We've been keeping the Beta branch up-to-date with the latest patches, but we'll no longer be maintaining it and will eventually deactivate it. So please make sure that you're opted out to prevent any possibly complications. PS: We've also changed some settings in the back-end which will hopefully reduce some problems a part of the players have had with the updates.

LETHE: Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected the most commonly asked questions about Lethe: Episode One and compiled them into this FAQ. If you would like to know more, don’t hesitate to contact us at . What about <insert language here> localization? As mentioned before, we would very much like to support multi-language localization for Lethe: Episode one; However, as a small company we’re relying solely on our product’s sales and this kind of (big) overhaul is currently simply out of reach. Because we know there is a demand, we would like to extend an invitation to localization groups who have already made a localization for Episode One or worked on quality translations before, to contact us and provide us with their material, so that at a later point in time we might be able to make this a reality. What about motion sickness? Previously there have been requests for a way to limit the amount of camera sway, in case of motion sickness or nausea; Because of these request...

Hotfix 1.2.12 for Lethe Ep1

Today marks the update of the game with the 1.2.12 update/hotfix that will solve the reported issues with the Librarian and Escape Artist achievements, plus a minor save system improvement. If you meet the two achievements' criteria, they will be unlocked as soon as you load your saved game in the final map. We've also taken the opportunity to give our website a facelift and updated our blog accordingly: Main website: Game page: PS: We're still working on the Press page, so expect it to be up again soon. If you face any issues please refer to this guide . If the problem persists please let us know in the support forums or contact us directly at .

Lethe:Ep1 gets Steam Achievements

Lethe: Episode One gets updated to version 1.2.10 introducing several game improvements and 19 steam achievements . 1.2.10 Changelog Enabled Achievements for the default branch; Minor tweaks. 1.2.9 Changelog Resolved some reported and unreported issues with the Achievements; Small improvements to the frame-rate at the start of some levels; Added anti-Nausea mode in the config. Check out the details here . Minor improvements to stability. 1.2.7 Changelog Added support for 19 steam achievements .; Upgraded to the latest version of the Unreal Development Kit; Smoother character animation blending; Minor AI improvements; Fixed sound issues. With the game’s engine upgrade to the latest version of the Unreal Development Kit a lot of files have been modified. The configuration files will be recreated and your in-game settings will most likely be reset. If you face any issues please refer to this guide . If the problem persists please let us know in the support ...